Tuesday 24 July 2012

Naming your Facebook Photo Albums

I have decided to write this guide as a service to all members of the Facebook community. It is important that after a big night on the town, you choose a name for your photo album. Simply naming it the "Photo album from (insert date)" will generate some comments on your wall like, "ha-ha sooo funny last night but what a terrible album's name?" Or "your photo album names lack originality." Or "stop sleeping with my boyfriend, you slut" (the author does not guarantee that all the negative comments will stop after reading this.).

There's only just a simple step to be creative album title. Choose a quote from a picture taken the night did not explain where you are or what you do. This quote should only refer to a period of two seconds in which one person featured in the album is saying something completely random. An example is inappropriate for the name of the photo album "You're right. Niagara Falls is very beautiful" Even though this quote will give everyone guessing reasonable to the activities featured in the album. It will make people confused or left out of a joke. Effective album title is: “That is not gangster, that's kinky" or "Yes I am wearing a peacock, get over it." Or "My skin feels different."

In conclusion, if you follow these instructions it is believed that the photo album you will feel more professional. The number of people who see your photo will increase exponentially, and you might even get some of the stalker. Good luck!

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